Waldur is used by HPC centers for offering a convenient self-service environment for research communities and R&D companies. HPC centers can integrate their SLURM or MOAB-based batch processing facilities, add OpenStack clouds and easily provide secure access to their customers.
The main benefits of using Waldur for HPC centers are:
To assure successful implementation of Waldur in HPC center, an agile and evolving approach is suggested. It allows to mitigate the risks related to integration and adoption by users.
Deploy of a minimal Waldur system and connect it with OpenStack.
Setup FreeIPA for Waldur accounts.
Create top level SLURM allocation for self-service users.
Register Waldur as federated service provider.
On-board users by sharing URL of a service.
Open service for research communities.
Assure monitoring is configured and backups are running.